Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Little Happy For The New Year

Oh how I love me some Rubbermaid food containers! Look what I found at Sam's today! Not only is it 62 pieces of wonderful containers and lids, it was only $19.99. The same set is on Walmart.com for $69 (which is completely insane) and Amazon has it for $31. I can't wait to get started on my weekly food prep and use these little gems:)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!


I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I have been spending my break so far preparing for the new year. Cutting out processed foods, exercising and being organized! January is going to be a hard month for K1 and K2 but it is going to pay off in the long run.

See you in January! 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My New Adventure...

I decided to start blogging to help me organize and basically stay sane. I have 2 kids, K1 a 14 yr old girl and K2 a 10 yr old boy. Over the last year our family has become insanely busy like everyone else we know. My husband and I have worked hard to get them to everything everywhere they need to be. When bathing and eating are your greatest accomplishment of the day, something has to give. I thought this would be a great way to help get our lives back on track.

K1 is in the high school marching band, is on the high school tennis team, and is involved in SGA. K2 plays competitive soccer year round. He is a very focused child. All of these activities keep us on the go! K1 has just finished up her 3rd year of band. Our football team is very good and has gone to state 3 years in a row. Yea for them and the band. Boo for 45 games of concession stand food. A person can only eat so many chips and canned cheese. My son plays soccer for a club 45 minutes away from our house. We are there a minimum of 3 nights a week. Fast food had become our best friend.

With both of my children attempting to be athletic, the constant going and eating whatever we could grab was starting to wear on everyone. About halfway through last season I started making a better effort for the family to eat better. But it isn't enough. I want to be more organized with my time. We are only home a few hours a week, besides sleeping. I've been researching once a month cooking, freezer meals, etc. I've invested in all kinds of thermos products and food containers so we can take our food with us. It has helped but it can be better. I'll be the first to admit it. I am tired and can be very lazy! But that is not going to help my husband, children and my health in the long run. Eating God knows what, who really knows what is in all that fast food, is slowly killing us. It's my job to take care of the family.

So here we go. While the kids and I are on Christmas break, the organizing is going to a whole new level! It should be interesting:)